Frequently Asked Questions


Is it safe to add DX50 Water Treatment into my water tank?

It Is absolutely safe to add ClO2 into your potable water tank as long as you follow our directions for use.

NZ regulations for potable water recommend that you not exceed 0.8ppm of Chlorine Dioxide in your potable water.
We recommend 50-550ml of DX50 Water Treatment to 1000Ltr of water depends on the quality of the water. Usually 50ml will just be enough to kill all of the bad bugs.

We encourage our clients to have their water tested to better understand the quality and bacterial loading.

Is it safe to use DX50 Water Treatment in my animal troughs?

Yes, it is safe for use in animal troughs. However, as DX50 breaks down in sunlight, dose the troughs when it gets dark. For more effective results, remove as much organic material in the trough as possible before dosing. Once a measured dose is applied according to instructions, DX50 will effectively sanitise the trough water without harming your animals.

Is it safe to use DX50 Water Treatment in my goldfish pond?

Yes, DX50 Chlorine Dioxide can be used in fishponds for disinfecting water and controlling algae and bacteria. However, it's crucial to use it carefully because it can be harmful to fish and other aquatic life if not dosed correctly. The typical recommended dosage of chlorine dioxide in fishponds is between 0.05 (33ml of DX50 per 100Ltr of water) to 0.1 (66ml of DX50 per 100Ltr of water) parts per million (ppm). It’s advised to dose it regularly without exceeding the ppm limits mentioned above.

Can I use DX50 Water Treatment in a small swimming pool?

Yes, DX50 Water Treatment can be used in swimming pools to keep the water clean and free from harmful microorganisms. However, as chlorine dioxide breaks down in sunlight, it is best to add DX50 Water Treatment your pool as soon as it gets dark.

When applying DX50 Water Treatment to our household water tank, will there be any adverse effects on our septic tanks?

No, there are no adverse effects on septic tanks when used correctly in drinking water tanks.


How Often Should I Treat My Water Tank?

This is a common question we receive. Typically, for the average household, we recommend treating your tank water with DX50 once a month during warmer months and every two months during cooler periods.

However, there are many variables when it comes to treating water supplies, so please refer to our article "How Often Should I Treat My Water Tank?" to understand some of the challenges you may encounter.

How much DX50 Water Treatment is required to sanitise a water tank?

The amount required depends on the size of the tank and the level of contamination. The recommended dosage is 0.05ml per litre of water (or 50ml per 1000 litres of water). So, for example, if you have a 30,000L tank you’ll need to apply 1500ml of DX50 (30,000L x 0.05ml = 1500ml). If your tank is half full, adjust the dose accordingly (15,000L x 0.05ml = 750ml).

What if my water is heavily contaminated?

To better understand the quality and bacterial loading make sure you have your water tested before and after dosing. If tests confirm that your water is heavily contaminated, know that you can safely dose your tank with up to x10 the recommended dose and still meet NZ potable water guidelines. (550ml of DX50 Water Treatment per 1000L of water.

What is the concentration of chlorine dioxide (ClO2) in DX50 Water Treatment?

DX50 Water Treatment is a stabilised chlorine dioxide solution that has a chlorine dioxide (ClO2) concentration of 1500ppm.

How much water will a 2-litre container of DX50 Water Treatment treat?

A two-litre container of DX50 will treat up to 40,000 litres of water. If partly used, ensure you close and store the container in a dark, cool place and use the remaining DX50 within a few months.

What would be the ClO2 concentration in parts per million (ppm) after adding the recommended dose to my water tank, and will it comply with safety standards?

After adding 50 mL of DX50 per 1000 litres of water, the ClO2 concentration in your treated water will be approximately 0.075 ppm. This concentration is well below both New Zealand’s and the EPA’s maximum limit of 0.8 mg/L (or ppm) for chlorine dioxide in drinking water, ensuring both effective treatment and compliance with regulatory safety standards. Note that milligrams per litre (mg/L) is equivalent to parts per million (ppm).

Storage and Shelf Life

What’s the shelf life of DX50 Chlorine Dioxide?

The shelf life of DX50 Chlorine Dioxide is 12 months from the date of manufacture. The best before expiry date will be on your DX50 container.

How long does DX50 Chlorine Dioxide keep once the container is open?

Generally, DX50 will be effective for up to one year from the date of manufacture if resealed between uses and stored correctly. If the container is left open, chlorine dioxide gas can eventually come out of solution and result in a weaker product.

Where and how should I store my DX50 Chlorine Dioxide?

Store DX50 Chlorine Dioxide in a cool (below 25OC) place away from direct sunlight and out of reach of children. Hot temperatures may affect product efficacy and chlorine dioxide breaks down in UV light.

Effectiveness and Impact

Do I need to clean organic matter from my water tank before using DX50 Water Treatment?

Yes, for optimal results, it is recommended to clean organic matter from the tank before treatment.

Is DX50 Water Treatment effective on dairy effluent contamination?

Yes, DX50 can be effective in treating water contaminated by dairy effluent runoff, reducing harmful pathogens like E.coli. The more concentrated the contamination the greater the dose you may need to apply. Conduct water tests to monitor bacterial levels and residual chlorine dioxide if necessary.

Can DX50 Water Treatment kill toxic algae from pond and river water?

Yes, after filtration, DX50 Water Treatment will kill any remaining toxic algae in your source pond and river water. Many water treatment plants use chlorine dioxide to manage algae in raw water sources, ensuring that treated water meets quality standards.

Can I use DX50 Water Treatment to get rid of pond algae?

DX50 Water Treatment can be effective against preventing pond algae. It is recommended to clean the pond first and use DX50 as a preventative.

Will DX50 Chlorine Dioxide sanitiser also kill mould and fungi?

Yes, DX50 Chlorine Dioxide Sanitiser is also highly effective at killing a wide range of mould and fungus species. It works by disrupting the cellular processes of these microorganisms, which typically results in their death. However, the effectiveness can vary depending on factors such as the concentration of DX50 used, contact time, and the type of surface being treated. If you are using DX50 for this purpose, we recommend that you clean all visible mould before applying a dilution of DX50 to enhance penetration and effectiveness. For severe infestations you may require multiple treatments. You can safely tackle your mould or fungal problem with a ratio of 40:1. Addressing moisture and ventilation is key to preventing mould recurrence post-treatment.

Environmental and Health Concerns

Is DX50 Chlorine dioxide safe for the environment?

Yes, DX50 Chlorine dioxide is considered safe for the environment when used within recommended guidelines. It breaks down into harmless byproducts after use, and unlike other solutions it doesn’t form harmful by-products. This makes it a preferred choice over other products that can have more significant environmental impacts.

Is the odour from DX50 Chlorine Dioxide hazardous?

DX50 has a strong odour in its concentrate form and care should be taken not to inhale when decanting. It is recommended to use it in a well-ventilated area. If you inhale enough to feel unwell, find and breathe fresh air. If you don’t feel better after a short while, seek medical advice.

Will DX50 Water Treatment affect my septic tank?

No, DX50 should not have any adverse effects on septic tanks when used as directed. Ensure you follow the proper dosage instructions to avoid over-application.

When it goes down the drain or is flushed, will the DX50 Water Treatment in my household water affect the tiger worms in our sewage system?

No, it should not affect tiger worms or other beneficial organisms in your sewage system when used correctly.

Is DX50 treated water safe to use on my garden?

Yes, DX50 treated water is safe to use on gardens.

Alternatives and Necessity

I don’t want to add any chemicals to my drinking water; do I have to treat my water tank?

Treating all water is recommended to ensure it is safe for drinking, as it can contain harmful contaminants. In New Zealand, while self-supplies are not obliged to treat water for personal use, it is strongly recommended. All other public water supplies must ensure their water meets NZ Drinking Water standards and is safe to drink.

Does DX50 Water Treatment eliminate heavy metals from the rainwater stored in my water tank?

Generally, DX50 does not eliminate heavy metals as it is primarily used to kill microorganisms. That said, chlorine dioxide is a powerful oxidiser and is notably effective at removing iron and manganese. We suggest you test your water to know what you are dealing with, then talk with a water specialist to discuss the best option for your specific situation.

Why doesn’t my local water utility use chlorine dioxide to treat public drinking water?

As DX50 Water Treatment is relatively new to the NZ market not everyone knows about the product. However, we have multiple medium sized water schemes using it with great results, more systems are turning to DX50 chlorine dioxide as their treatment product every year. This is mainly due to effectiveness against bacteria and biofilm, but also because it is tasteless in their water supply, unlike straight chlorine.

Where can I buy DX50 products?

At the moment the best place to buy it is on our online store.
We have free shipping over $150.
We are working hard to get it to your local stores.